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Speel een spelletje met je kind want spelletjes spelen is leerzaam, leuk en elk kind is er dol op. Koop online een spel wat past bij de leeftijd van jouw kind. Kies uit assortiment educatieve spellen, spelletjes waar je slim van wordt of die je alleen of met z'n tweetjes kan spelen. We hebben al bord- en kaartspellen voor peuters vanaf 2 jaar en leuke spellen voor een kinderfeestje.


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97 products found

Playing games is fun and educational

Playing games, you can't start early enough, playing games is for young and old, winning but also losing and dealing with setbacks, in a game you encounter all these elements.
Take the time to play a game with your child, most games don't take too long so being busy is no excuse. Games are very suitable to take with you on holiday for on the road or in the car.

Games for toddlers from 2 years

One of the first games your toddler can play from the age of 2 is a memory or domino game. Of course you don't have to play the game with all playing cards right away, but start for example with 10 and add some cards every time and expand the game.

Games for 2

DJECO Little is a special collection of games for the youngest from 2 to 5 years. There are 6 different board games, the game time is a maximum of 10 minutes and the nice thing about these games is that they are suitable for 2 players. So you can play this game together with your toddler and they last just long enough. All board games come with fun animals that make the game even more attractive.

Card games for 2-5 years

New are DJECO Little card games, 4 different card games with a maximum playing time of 5 minutes. Your toddler learns in a playful way to match colors, imitate animals or the regular quartet game. The cards are made for small hands and they will love the beautiful illustrations.
These games are also suitable to take on holiday for on the road or in the car.

Games that will make you smart

Or rather a game where you are challenged to think. The first games we played to challenge the children were math games because learning through play is much faster and how tedious sums and automating tables can be. Eduludo from DJECO and educational games where the children learn automatically while playing, are a perfect combination.

The math game Rallye, this game has been one of our favorites for years. You teach children to count and to think through play how to make the sums and of course you also have to be a bit smart and handy. Don't be put off by the age of 6 years, you can also let your children count the number of dots on the dice and start from 4 or 5 years old.

Yamm's yahtzee for kids, the famous Yahtzee game with a new look for kids. Roll the animal dice three times and try to make zippers, families, groups of four and Yahtzee just like the game for adults.
The one who has the most points is the winner. This game is super good to familiarize children with numbers and possibly also adding dice.

Shut the box, an educational dice game for the whole family. The goal is to close as many of the 9 numbered valves as possible by rolling the dice. Should the player manage to close all the lids, this "Shut The Box!" and automatically wins the game. A super fun game to play with children of all ages.

Games you can play alone

Are you a smart guy and do you want to play a game to become even smarter or do you just like to crack your brain? Then the Logic Games are really something for you, you can start right away because you can only play these games alone: ​​Jungle Logic, Sudoku. Polyssimo, Cubissimo, Spotissimo and Pixel Tangram.
Do you like to challenge someone else? Then play the Polyssimo Challenge, Quartino or Spacebuilder.

Games for a children's party

The best skill games to play during a children's party. Equiliboom is a variant of ovaries. You probably know the game, but with this version your clothes will stay clean! With Aquapop you challenge someone with a water pistol, who can get the highest score? And the traditional can throwing should of course not be missed at a children's party: whoever has knocked over the most cans is the winner.


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