Night lights baby and child
33 products found
Children's night light with timer
A night light with a timer for children who have trouble falling asleep but do not need a light at night. Most lights work on small button cell batteries and turn off automatically within a few minutes,
Petit Monkey night lights have a timer of 60 minutes after which the lights turn off automatically. The night lights all have an LED light and are CE certified. Night lights in all shapes and colors, a night light cloud, night light star or a sweet bear or panda bear as a night light.
The night lights from DJECO have a timer of 20 minutes and the snow globe lights have a timer of 45 minutes , the correct time is described with each light.
Rechargeable night light child
The night lights from LIEWOOD are all rechargeable. Some rechargeable night lights come with a 5V charger, so you don't need batteries.
The latest LIEWOOD night lights are rechargeable with a USB charger . The lights are made of nature-friendly silicone. The material feels nice and soft, and gives the night light a nice appearance, the light also gives a soft light. This lighting keeps watch during the night!