Play mats baby foam and vinyl

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Koop online een vinyl of foam speelmat voor je baby of kindje wanneer je kleintje gaat rollen,kruipen en leert lopen. Een speelmat is voor baby's en kinderen ideaal wanneer je een houten of stenen vloer hebt, het is lekker warm het doet minder zeer wanneer ze vallen en ze beschermen ook je vloer. Foam speelmatten zijn lekker om op te spelen, ze zijn dikker en zachter de vinyl knoei-en speelmatten wordt meer gebruikt om je vloer te schermen, de matten maak je snel en eenvoudig weer schoon.   



5 products found

Foam and vinyl play mats for babies and toddlers

When will you use a play mat for your baby or child? And why are play mats so nice to use? We are happy to explain it all to you and also tell you the difference between a foam play mat and a vinyl play mat.

Why a play mat?

You can use a play mat for your baby or child when the little ones start rolling, sitting, crawling and learning to walk. A play mat is ideal for babies and children if you have a wooden or stone floor, it is nice and warm , it hurts less when they fall and they also protect your floor.

Foam play mat

A safe soft surface for playing, the Toddlekind play mats offer babies and toddlers protection against bumps and falls, the play mats fit seamlessly into any space and multiple packages can be joined together.
A foam play mat is made of EVA foam, this material is hygienic and guaranteed free of toxic substances, so that your children can play safely. The foam play mats are 100% safe according to the requirements that apply in Europe and America.

The cloud play mats from QUUT are new. You can use these reversible play mats in different ways, you can place the play mats against the wall and the large mats in a corner, so three-dimensional.

Vinyl mess and play mat

The round floor and mess mats from Eeveve are ideal for growing babies and children and an asset to your interior instead of an eyesore.
Messing at the table is part of it, especially when the children are still small. Even during crafting and claying, something regularly ends up on the ground. You can place the Evevee floor mat under the high chair or in the play corner and clean it without any problem after eating or doing crafts. The floor mat protects the floor, your rug or carpet, is non-slip and therefore does not slide.
The anti-slip mats are made of 100% Vinyl, phthalates and formaldehyde free and made and tested according to the European standard of REACH.

